Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who don't I have to love?

Do you remember your neighbors when you were  a kid?  I do.  I remember every fence I could climb over without worry.  I remember who not to bother.  I remember what houses I could walk into without knocking.  Those days are long gone. 

I have been thinking recently about neighbors, and what it means to be a neighbor.  Not only a local neighbor, but a global neighbor.  Living in Arizona, bordering Mexico, we are daily facing the question of what it means to be a neighbor.  I can't help but wonder how are we doing as a neighbor.   

The questions about what it means to be a neighbor and be a good neighbor are not new.  When Jesus was asked this question, those asking were essentially asking, "Who don't I have to love?"  After all, Jesus had commanded "love your neighbor."  It's the natural question isn't it.  Ok then, if I am to love my neighbor, who exactly are we talking about here?  Because if you can identify for me, who is and who is not my neighbor that will give us clarity as to who exactly we have to love.  And Jesus, if you will tell us who exactly these neighbors are, that will bring us great relief.  

Jesus replied with a story, we call it the story of the Good Samaritan.  

If you don't know it the story is about a man, presumably a Jewish man who was traveling on a road and was mugged, robbed, and  beaten.  As he lay on the side of the road, literally left for dead some people came by.  First a priest.  Not wanting to be bothered, the priest literally went out of his way, across the road to avoid being near the victimized man.  

The second person, a Levite, or a temple assistant, did the same thing.  

But then a Samaritan came along.  This doesn't appear to be any better news for the dying man. Samaritans and Jews hated each other.  This hate was rooted in religious and cultural differences.  The Samaritan however surprises us and cares for the man, puts him in his car (okay on the back of his donkey) takes him to a hotel, pays in advance and vows to return and pay for more incurred costs.  

In closing the story, Jesus asks, "Which of the three was neighborly?" 

That's the story.  .. . . . .Jesus says go and do likewise?  

This does nothing more than raise more questions for me. . .. I do not have the answers.  

But consider.  

Who is my neighbor?  Who do I have to love and not love?  

Who are those so different from us, culturally, religiously, or otherwise to which we have failed to extend mercy and grace? 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Head on collision

It is interesting how live converges sometimes, how conversations, circumstances and events collide. Two such events hit head on yesterday in my life.
My lunch appointment yesterday was a long overdue one. I met with my friend and mentor Dr. Kelly Bender, Sr. Pastor of Paradise Valley UMC. Kelly is someone I respect and have the highest regard for. I always find myself either with hand-written or a mental list of things I want to discuss with Kelly because the time with him is so valuable. Over the past 8 years or so that we have met, we find ourselves often talking about leadership, church polity, and in our meeting yesterday, our culture of affluence. We discussed Walter Bruggeman's contention that consumerism more than a result of marketing strategy. Consumerism is a "demonic spiritual force" that has a hold on our culture, and the question for us does the gospel have the power to help us withstand it. Wow! This was published by Bruggeman and Old Testament scholar 10 years ago.

For dinner my wife and I met with our friends Michael and Christina Bernardino. Michael and Christina are educators in the public school system and they themselves, are enough reason for me to believe in the public schools. I can't say enough good about them. Our conversation, also touched on the culture of affluence and how it impacts our young people. Christina who has taught Spanish at a High School in suburban Phoenix, AZ shared this story with me.
When asked what their favorite holiday was, her Spanish speaking students, many first and second generation Arizonans answered, "Mother's day." Second, they said, "Father's day." Her English speaking American students when asked their favorite holiday responded, "Christmas." Secondly they responded, "Birthday."

Perhaps Bruggeman is right, that consumerism is a demonic spiritual force. As such it would seem his demonic spiritual force has a pretty firm grasp of our young people. What are your thoughts?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do you really want God to move?

Was listening the Perry Noble at the unleash conference this AM.  He got me thinking.   

Do you really want God to move?  I mean really?  Think about that for a minute. . .

I think most people who pray to God and ask God to "move" don't fully comprehend what that means.  Most people are too controlling to really be open to God moving.  Take the early church in ACTS.  The church went from 120 to over 3,000 the next day.  God moved and things spun out of control!  Just imagine it.  Everything that was in place went out the window that day.  Are you ready to throw everything out the window?  

Do you really want God to move in your life?  In your church?  

Are you ready for things to spin out of control?  Ask for God to move, and hang on!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Betrayal . . ..

Betrayal and rejection are such a harsh words . . .  they are sharp, they cut and they cut deep.  

Fear of betrayal and rejection can keep us from the richness that life offers.  "I have been hurt one too many times. Why should I even bother?"  "I'll never get it, why should I apply?  Are you kidding, I don't think I could take another rejection letter."  

 Joseph (yes the one with the technicolor dreamcoat;  Found in the book of Genesis 37 and following) knew betrayal.  he knew the worst kind.  His brothers in their jealousy not only conspired to betray him but did so.  

Joseph's brothers first cast him into an empty well.  They sat down for a celebratory meal looked up to see some tribesman coming.  When they decided that throwing him in the pit wasn't good enough they fished him out and sold him to the nomadic  tribesman for 20 pieces of silver.  

Most of us can't imagine what that kind of betrayal would feel like.  Even in the face of it as the story would go on to tell Joseph didn't let betrayal get the best of him.   

Joseph did a few things that most of us can learn from.
1.  He held fast the vision God gave him
2.  He maintained a vital relationship with God.
3.  He never compromised his character
4.  He maintained  a strong sense of empathy

You can read about Joseph in Genesis chapters 37-50 (one of my favorite in the Bible).  You can also come hear more about how Joseph faced betrayal this Sunday at Trinity Heights. . . ..

See you Sunday