Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Control what's in you . . .

Yesterday as I was doing some of my daily reading I was caused to stop and reflect more than usual.  Here is what I read from John Maxwell's, Daily Reader.  

 ". . . one of the greatest coaches who ever lived said, Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. . . .
As you move forward on the success journey, you need to remember what happens in you is more important than what happens to you.  You can control your attitudes as you travel on the journey, but you have no control over the actions of others.  You can control what you put on your calendar, but you cannot control today's circumstances.   Unfortunately the majority of the fear and stress that people experience in life is from things that they can do nothing about.  Don't let that happen to you"  
John Maxwell

I suppose this so clearly spoke to me because I am guilty.  I am guilty of letting the world get the best of me.  I too often allow events, circumstances, other people's actions, the list goes on. . . cause me to be angry, stressed or unhappy.  
I believe we have a choice how we respond.  We have a choice to respond in a way that is of God, or a way that is not.  We can choose to be victims or we can be over-comers.  We can be build up with words or tear down those around us with words.  What will it be?   If Christ is alive in you, let his light shine, no matter what might come your way today.  Be a blessing and let the one who is alive in you be what the world sees today.    


1 comment:

The Pittmeister said...