Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Betrayal . . ..

Betrayal and rejection are such a harsh words . . .  they are sharp, they cut and they cut deep.  

Fear of betrayal and rejection can keep us from the richness that life offers.  "I have been hurt one too many times. Why should I even bother?"  "I'll never get it, why should I apply?  Are you kidding, I don't think I could take another rejection letter."  

 Joseph (yes the one with the technicolor dreamcoat;  Found in the book of Genesis 37 and following) knew betrayal.  he knew the worst kind.  His brothers in their jealousy not only conspired to betray him but did so.  

Joseph's brothers first cast him into an empty well.  They sat down for a celebratory meal looked up to see some tribesman coming.  When they decided that throwing him in the pit wasn't good enough they fished him out and sold him to the nomadic  tribesman for 20 pieces of silver.  

Most of us can't imagine what that kind of betrayal would feel like.  Even in the face of it as the story would go on to tell Joseph didn't let betrayal get the best of him.   

Joseph did a few things that most of us can learn from.
1.  He held fast the vision God gave him
2.  He maintained a vital relationship with God.
3.  He never compromised his character
4.  He maintained  a strong sense of empathy

You can read about Joseph in Genesis chapters 37-50 (one of my favorite in the Bible).  You can also come hear more about how Joseph faced betrayal this Sunday at Trinity Heights. . . ..

See you Sunday

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