Friday, January 16, 2009

Some thoughts on small groups. . . .

Small groups are nothing new.  In fact they are very Biblical and very Methodist.  However, for many, if not for most in United Methodist circles the notion of a small group in which we do life, mission and ministry together is new if not totally foreign.  Sure we have heard about small groups more and more in the last 10 years, but really what is it all about?  I confess it has been since graduation from seminary that I have become more and more aware of the small group movement in the church.  With every passing day I see how important they are.  
As you pray about becoming a part of a small group here at THUMC consider the following:

1.)  The church was first and foremost a gathering of small groups.  Acts 2:42-47  It was in Acts where the people gathered in homes, met in the temple courts, they ate together, worshipped, were committed to the Apostle's teachings and to prayer.  It is when we gather together, study together, eat together and pray that true life change happens. 

2.)  Small groups are more than book learning.  We have been good at Sunday School and Bible Studies where we come and consume data.  Small groups are where we learn more importantly the great commandments of Jesus.  It is where we truly begin to love God and neighbor more deeply.

3.)  Small groups are mission outposts.  Small groups are places where people with a common heartbeat, work together to be salt and light in a hurting world.  Think about the possibilities here.  If every group in the church were to work together for mission.  WE would increase our work exponentially.  Missions is not a committee it is something we all do.  

These are just some ramblings. . . if you want to talk more about small groups you can reach me at    

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