Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If you're not connected, you're dead!

Recently, the network was down at the church. Computers couldn't connect to the printer, they couldn't connect to the internet, they couldn't connect to eachother. If you have never experienced this sort of thing, I will tell you it is not only frustrating, but debilitating. The irony of all this was early that day I had heard an editorial piece on NPR about how dependent on technology our culture had become. Little did I know how real the commentators words would become to me that day.

If for a moment you think that this is no big deal, consider this. Can't print, can't email, can't access the church financial or personal contact records. There were moments where we actually were standing, looking at one another wondering, "What do we do?"

I began to reflect on the importance of being connected. Being connected is everything, isn't it? When we are not connected we are dead! It is not only of central importance to who we are in our culture, but we are as people, as Christians.

We are hyper connected! Through our cell phones we can call around the world. No wires, a piece of plastic this size of a deck of cards allows us to call Africa (did that yesterday)! Disconnected yet connected!

On the same NPR station, I heard this AM that in our financial crisis people are having to make choices about their money. Of course, we all are. They are choosing to stay connected. They are choosing HDTV and cell phones over other discretionary items. People want and need to be connected. Communications satellites are being launched to increase and improve our connectivity. The cost for this is in the Billions of dollars. Why to pay so much for connectivity? Because being connected is everything.

How is it the same for us as Christians? Being connected in community, is everything. Created to love and be loved, created differently and distinctive to be radically interdependent upon one another, that is what Paul would say as he calls us a body. Every part needs every other part. Connectivity, it's not an option. If you are not connected, GET ON IT! Without, you're dead.